Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Terror from Above

Don't worry. This is not a horror story. It started out when I awoke yesterday to the sound of a hawk outside my bedroom window. The hawk had come back to re-nest in the oak tree. I say “re-nest” because last year the same hawk (well it could be a different one) decided to terrorize my little chickens. It would constantly circle my property in search of food. The chickens would turn their heads and look into the sky as the hawk cried out. I can only imagine what it was saying, "I won't hurt you. Come out from hiding." The chickens are smart and they usually ignore the hawk. It almost seems like they laugh at it from time to time. I thought of the hawk problem when I was building the coop and put Aviary Netting to cover the entire chicken yard. There will be no hawks getting in while that's up. Although I'm sure they have little military style meetings inside the oak tree.
 "Alright men, we are going to need to watch here, here, and here. As soon as you see that netting has a hole in it, you will signal me and then we will devise another plan of attack." says a general looking hawk. He points to three spots on a board that has the picture of the coop on it.
"Yes sir." That would be the little soldier hawks. They fly off one at a time and start circling the property. There can only be one out at a time otherwise I might get suspicious and ruin their plans.
Now that would be funny... Just in case, I may want to buy myself some new binoculars...


  1. I can just see those crafty hawks up in the tree calculating a way to scoop up one of your chickens. I wonder if a hawk could carry away a full size chicken? I've heard arguments on both sides of that controversy. I think Bantam varieties are probably easy pickens'. Pray your hawks are allergic to chicken and eat mostly gopher.

  2. Well I think they could carry one of the younger ones away, maybe my Red Star? The bantams would be like carrying mice away.

  3. It has been forever since you have added to your blog. :-( I loved this first post ~ any plans for more?

  4. Well yes I have been thinking about blog ideas everywhere. I have just been ending up saying, "no that would be a terribly boring thing to blog about. But maybe I'll end up say yes to one. . . . .
